CS 139 // 2020-02-06
(Due Tuesday, February 11th before class)
$\Sigma = \{0,1\}$
$\Sigma = \{\texttt{a},\texttt{b},\texttt{c}, \ldots, \texttt{z}\}$
$$\{0,1\}^\ast = \{\epsilon, 0, 1, 00, 01, 10, 11, 000, \ldots, \}$$
$G = (V,E)$
$\le k$
$x,y,z\in\mathbb{Z}_{\ge 0}$
$$\Sigma = \{0, 1, 2, \ldots, 9\}\cup \{+,=\}$$
$$\text{ADD}_2 = \{x+y=z\mid x,y,z\in\{0,\ldots,9\}^\ast\\\text{where the sum of $x$ and $y$ is $z$}\}$$
$\Sigma = \{\texttt{a}, \texttt{b}, \texttt{c}, \texttt{d}\}$
$L(M) = \{1w \mid w \in \{0,1\}^\ast\}$
$\Sigma = \{\texttt{a}, \texttt{b}\}$
$L(M) = \emptyset$
$L(M) = \{x\texttt{a}y\texttt{a}z \mid x,y,z\in\Sigma^\ast\}$
$L(M) = \{w\in\Sigma^\ast\mid w\text{ contains the substring }\texttt{abba}\}$
$L(M) = \{ w\in\Sigma^\ast\mid w\text{ has the same # of }\texttt{a}\text{'s and }\texttt{b}\text{'s}\}$
A deterministic finite automaton (DFA) $M$ is a 5-tuple: $$M = (Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)$$
$$M = (Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)$$
$\delta:Q\times\Sigma\rightarrow Q$
$q_0\in Q$
$F\subseteq Q$
$M = (Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)$
Consider the following two DFAs
Construct a DFA for $$A\cap B = \{ w1 \mid\text{# of 0's in }w\text{ is even}\}$$
$$A\cap B = \{ w1 \mid\text{# of 0's in }w\text{ is even}\}$$
Due Tuesday, February 11th (before class)