![Light bulb](https://makercise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/vlcsnap-2015-11-17-20h50m57s882.png.jpg)
You can think of a transistor as a "switch" with states "on" and "off"
## Digital Logic
- Learning about electricity, capacitors, resistors, is beyond the scope of this course
For now, it is useful to abstract away the details of electrical engineering
We will think about circuits in terms of 0s and 1s going through the wires of a circuit
## Input/Output as Voltages
- The 0s and 1s of our circuits will be "low" and "high" voltages across a wire, similar to a light bulb being "on" and "off"
![Bits as light bulbs](https://miro.medium.com/max/2400/1*Um-qKrB2QLxRU0C8CkCCeg.png)
## Logic Gates
- A **logic gate** is an elementary circuit that takes one or more bits as input and produces one or more bits as output
Many of these logic gates can be constructed with one or two transistors
## Name that Gate
![AND Gate](/teaching/2021f/cs130/assets/images/gates/and.png)
An **AND** gate
## Name that Gate
![OR Gate](/teaching/2021f/cs130/assets/images/gates/or.png)
An **OR** gate (inclusive OR)
## Name that Gate
![NOT Gate](/teaching/2021f/cs130/assets/images/gates/not.png)
A **NOT** gate
## Name that Gate
![NAND Gate](/teaching/2021f/cs130/assets/images/gates/nand.png)
A **NAND** gate
## Name that Gate
![NOR Gate](/teaching/2021f/cs130/assets/images/gates/nor.png)
A **NOR** gate
## Name that Gate
![XOR Gate](/teaching/2021f/cs130/assets/images/gates/xor.png)
An **XOR** gate (exclusive OR)
### What is the truth table for the following circuit?